TSE Home Program
Your local Touchstone Energy® Cooperative has long placed a priority on promoting energy efficiency to their customers. In a survey of customers, responses were overwhelmingly in support of a well-insulated, electrically heated home offering the following benefits:
- More energy efficient
- Less expensive to operate
- Cleaner and safer
- More comfortable
So what’s so different about the Touchstone Energy® Home? It’s simple, really. Over time, building codes and common practices among builders and contractors made yesterday’s “energy efficient” home today’s standard model.
Touchstone Energy® Cooperatives wanted to reward customers for exceeding the ordinary and, at the same time, link everything with the Touchstone Energy® connection among customer-owned electric systems around the country. The Touchstone Energy® Home was born.
Habersham EMC has adopted a set of qualifications for the Touchstone Energy® Home program specially designed for the region of northeast Georgia.
The Touchstone Energy® Home standards apply to new and existing homes or manufactured homes which meet established TSE Home requirements.
For more information contact a Member Services Representative at 706-754-2114, 706-865-4362 or 1-800-640-6812 or complete the Information Request section of the Enrollment Request Form.