Habersham EMC Recognized for High Member Satisfaction
Habersham EMC was recently recognized by Touchstone Energy® as a member cooperative that received one of the top 5 American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI®) scores for energy utility services among all cooperatives participating in measurement for Touchstone Energy in the fourth quarter of 2024. In Q4 (2024), Habersham EMC received an ACSI score of 89 on a 100-point scale.1 HEMC’s score is higher when compared to publicly measured cooperative utility scores reported in the syndicated 2024 ACSI Energy Utility Study and places HEMC 15 points higher than the average investor-owned utility score of 74, 14 points higher than the average municipal utility score of 75, as well as 11 points higher than the average cooperative utility score of 78.
Habersham Electric Membership Corporation (HEMC) was chartered on July 25, 1938, as a non-profit cooperative. Today, there are over 3,800 miles of line serving more than 28,000 members in six counties in Georgia: Habersham, Hall, Lumpkin, Rabun, Stephens, and White. HEMC’s main office is located at 6135 State Hwy. 115 West, Clarkesville, GA. A branch office is located on Hwy. 129 South, in Cleveland, Ga. Habersham EMC also owns a broadband subsidiary, Trailwave Fiber, Inc., which provides northeast Georgia’s most reliable internet service and is the only 100% fiber optic network in the area.
Touchstone Energy® helps its member cooperatives strengthen their relationships with their members. It is a national network of electric cooperatives across 46 states that provides research, communications resources, and employee training programs to help its member cooperatives better engage and serve their members. Cooperatives interested in getting an ACSI score or participating in other member satisfaction research should visit www.touchstoneenergy.com/acsi-research.
1 Compared to publicly measured energy utilities in the ACSI® survey of customers rating their own energy utility. Results based on data provided by Habersham EMC, collected between October 1 and December 31, 2024. ACSI did not regulate the survey administration or sample size. ACSI and its logo are registered trademarks of the American Customer Satisfaction Index LLC. For more about the ACSI, visit www.theacsi.org.